Senthamizh thenmozhiyaal
  Previous Comments
Name: Karthikeyan
Time: 01/20/2009, 5:46 am
Message: replay:Yuva

Hi Yuva...
First of all I say thanks for showing ur interest to watch this film.

And we hav checked "Watch Movie" page with various internet browsers and operating systems, it working perfect!!

But I cann't able to guess where u stuck-up. So, pls provide me ur pc's details or else juz give me ur mobile number to help better . . .

Name: Yuva
Time: 01/19/2009, 1:48 pm
Message: Hey Guys,
Are you sure the video streaming works well. I tried but it says no video found. let me know once it get fixed. The given comments are increasing my curiosity.

Name: Rahul Prakash
Time: 01/19/2009, 1:09 pm
Message: A very gud theme based movie.

I enjoyed the scene where Perusu get his first sms on his mobile. The phone screen being displayed is a vry gud idea.

Perusu has done a gud job.

Music was extremely natural n professional dhinesh. Keep up d gud work.

U guys u should have used a better Playback singer. The music and d song are not synchronous with each other.

Overall d movie experience was gr8. All d artists have done a very gud job.

Congratulations guys!!

Name: the critic
Time: 01/19/2009, 12:57 am
Message: the movie kept me on the edge of the seat..a goodone..except that the guy would keep on texting so much,for a long period before meeting her in person is a bit unacceptable...otherwise a very good atempt..

Name: Ram
Time: 01/18/2009, 6:53 am
Message: Pretty good attempt guys...Songs were good and acting by Perusu was good... Ending was a bit abrupt...Overall, its a good start and all the very best for all of U...

Name: Jagadish M
Time: 01/18/2009, 6:33 am
Message: Hi friends
The movie was really too gud... though the theme was simple and surprising the whole movie is highlighted because of screen play and music...

Keep rocking...
Simple but powerful

All the Best

Keep RoCking!!!

Name: Nawaz
Time: 01/16/2009, 2:49 am
Hello Friends.. This is Nawaz.,

Really Gr8 effort.. I like the movie..

* Director Desingh ji Simply Superb!
* I become a fan of Perusu really good acting..
* Machi Amar why dont u try for Hero Good acting
* Karthik Gr8 wrk.. Editing & VFX r Climax-Awesome!..

My critic want to tell something..

Even though the film dnt have a strong story,
the screenplay awesome!

Without much equp's u guys done gr8 wrk..

Camera angles and frames r superb in some places
panning nd lightings r not enough..

Graphic is really good..

I like the First song (sil sil thendral vanthu..)
Very nice! song and its picturised really Good Rocking!
i like the way that song starts.. Good..
Music nd backgroung score Good!

The Climax-Awesome!
Sceenplay makes the climax much intresting..
it was totally unexpected..

Desingh waiting for ur another movie.. to watch in Big screen

Good Team! All the Best guys..

Name: ranga
Time: 01/16/2009, 1:36 am
Message: very good effort. i liked the movie. congrats to the whole team. climax thaan konju mokkai no actually it was totally unexpected)

Name: Paul Thilak
Time: 01/14/2009, 6:54 pm
Message: The movie is very Good... i like this movie..
Without techi guys... u ppl made the film.. very nice way.
The climax... i was very eager.. the accident.. i got pissed off...

I have to say.. few words about Music director... the music and the background is awesome. the song is very nice.

In the perspective of cinematography..
It's good. Some time.. the lighting is poor..

the Acting is very realistic... we can well enjoy the movie.

in some places.. we felt bad like.. a single shot.. is dragged to 3 to 5 min... it makes us feel boring.

ABout climax..
that climax scene made the imapct as "alaipaayuthaey.. shallini accident..."... "7G sonia agarwal.. accident

Simply the movie is Excellent...
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